Specialized Grief Support for

Children and Teens

The Blue Butterfly Family Grief Center is a program of Tidewell Grief Care. Our mission is to serve children ages 5-18 and their caregivers by providing a safe space to grieve and process after a significant death in their lives.

Blue Butterfly services are available throughout Tidewell’s service area:

Tidewell Family Grief Center Ellenton

4151 37th St. E.
Palmetto, FL 34221

Blue Butterfly Family Grief Center

6800 Professional Pkwy. W.
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34240

Newtown-Bethlehem Bible Church

1680 18th St.
Sarasota, FL 34234

Port Charlotte-Lighthouse Baptist Church

14251 Chancellor Blvd.
Port Charlotte, FL 33953

Staffed by clinical mental health professionals, our model includes evidence-based interventions and activities to help children feel safe to share their feelings and work through their pain alongside their peers. Caregivers participate in support groups too, where they learn ways to support their grieving child and themselves. Support groups are in the evenings, twice per month at four convenient locations in Manatee, Sarasota and Charlotte counties. Dinner is always provided. Our groups are available at no cost to you.

Common Grief Reactions in Children

Grief expressions in children come in many forms and can include:

  • Changes in eating, sleeping and relationships
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Increase in negative behaviors
  • Changes in school performance, both negative and positive
  • Regression in developmental abilities
  • Physical complaints including headaches, stomachaches, muscle aches and more
  • Inability to identify and express feelings about the death

Enroll Your Family
To learn more about the Blue Butterfly Program call (941) 893-6610. Para hablar con un consejero en español, por favor llame al (941) 894-1704.

NEW! Blue Butterfly Saturday Support Group now available. Call Blue Butterfly to learn more or enroll your child!

Blue Butterfly Children’s Grief services are made possible by the generous donations from our community to the Tidewell Foundation. 

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