Enhancing Quality of Life Through
Special Care Programs
Tidewell Hospice offers a variety of complementary services that improve quality of life for patients when used in conjunction with conventional medicine that may reduce pain, stress and anxiety and increase joy and psychosocial healing.

Tidewell Complementary Services
Music Therapy
Board-certified music therapists visit patients to help with relaxation, reminiscence and to assist non-pharmacologically with medical needs. Songwriting projects are often created for life review and legacy purposes.
Bedside Music
Volunteers provide preferred music at the bedside via ipads and other recorded media to enhance quality of life.
Pet Therapy
Our pet therapy pets are specially trained to provide therapeutic pet visits that can provide pain relief, reduce agitation and increase happiness. Our pet volunteers and their persons receive special hospice volunteer training and the dogs are thoroughly evaluated for their temperament and are certified and insured by Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. Other certifications obtained elsewhere may be acceptable.
Expressive Arts
This is art that diverts patients’ attention from their pain and symptoms that can cause stress while redirecting it into the creative process. Provided by specially trained volunteers, patients are able to control choices and preferences and create legacy projects, enhance communication, and have moments of joy.
The primary goal of this program is to use plants and gardening activities to reduce stress and discomfort, alleviate feelings of depression, boredom or loneliness and enable patients to regain a sense of control by offering plants to care for and pass on as a living legacy. This service is provided at our standalone inpatient units.
Through the use of essential oils, patients may experience relaxation, reduction of restlessness and the elimination of odors from their spaces. This is provided by our clinical team members.
Trained volunteers provide relaxation and comfort through this light touch or hands off energy healing modality
Since 2001 Tidewell has offered humor services with our clowning program recognized by Clowns of America International. Patients and families can experience reduced stress and distraction from pain and symptoms during a clown visit. Tidewell clowns are trained hospice volunteers who receive special clowning training that includes costuming, makeup and more. These clowns also visit area nursing homes and assisted living facilities and are favorites at community events.
Learn more on how our complementary services can help by calling
Tidewell Hospice at (855) 843-3935.
Complementary services are made possible by generous donations from our community to the Tidewell Foundation. To learn more or to donate, please visit TidewellFoundation.org